

December 2024  
Looking for West Coast Live shows ? Tune in to the  KLOI  Lopez Island stream for their broadcast of great WCL shows Saturdays 10AM to Noon.  

Some 170 interviews from our shows are on Apple podcasts, as well as many others through this website here (look to the left for links)  

In 2025 we are commencing with new programs which will combine today's context with the timeless wisdom and humor of many of our guests.  More details here as we evolve. These will be in the form of new podcasts, tapas-sized rather than the two-hour sit-down feasts of yore.

Donations to keep us going can may made through Flipcause, link at the Donate button.via Independent Arts and Media in San Francisco as our non-profit fiscal sponsor - tax ID 94-3355076, and other relevant info is there.  They are fiscal sponsors for many fine creative groups and endeavors. 

We're finding our second life, on-line, for the magic is still alive in those recordings.  That magic is why we all gathered on those Saturday mornings.

If you had a graceful touch of our live show, we thank you.  You made them happen.  We look forward to finding new listeners, too.

Thank you!  A reminder:  Independent of our broadcast time, you can listen all week to the program on any device or computer via the LISTEN button on the front page of our web site.

Best wishes, and many thanks for your support through the years!  Safe journey,


PS  You can text SEDGE to 22828 to sign-up to our occasional newsletter.