Sedge Thomson's West Coast Live, San Francisco's Radio Show to the World!

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This week I present three outstanding guitarists and a Halloween story.  These performers bring singular style to the guitar.  Their stories of their lives astound.  


LEO KOTTKE -- Guitarist, and story-teller. What was that creature that lifted his submarine from the water in the Atlantic?  12 string and six-string virtuosity disguised with humour, and Leo talks about the importance of doing nothing, at times. 


CHRIS SMITHER -- His blue guitar brings the blues. Today’s choice, what he calls a spooky and strange song. 


LISA BROWN -- Her Halloween tale of a child vampire may delight you. How do outsiders fit in, and how do create a bedtime story when the young ‘un goes to bed at dawn. 

THE DUO-TONES -- Acoustic surf guitar brings us to the beach with classics made intimate. Their fingers hang ten and you’ll be stoked.