Sedge Thomson's West Coast Live, San Francisco's Radio Show to the World!

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New World Order, What World Order?  

Sedge Thomson presents wisdom for these times from a thoughtful and funny author and former head of state.  In our continuing series of presenting great American documents, we hear this talk.  Also, a preview of next weeks special on The Persuasions, the renowned a capella group first “discovered” by Frank Zappa. 


BARACK OBAMA —  The author and former head of state remembers Nelson Mandela at a 100th birthday celebration in South Africa.  A moving and funny and illuminating talk, a guided tour  on the paths of history by one of the great author-statesmen. 


We hear how different childhoods can shape the arc of humanity, why truth is important, and, ultimately, love. 


We hear of bit of next week’s show with The Persuasions in a preview. 


Here's the transcript of Mr. Obama's talk, with, apparently, a light edit.  It's in the New Yorker, after all.


Sedge’s flâneur files.