Sedge Thomson's West Coast Live, San Francisco's Radio Show to the World!

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This week, SEDGE talks with two celebrated poets who celebrate language, truth, and the complexity of our lives.  In this era of perverted political speech, as predicted by George Orwell’s essay, Politics and the English Language, learning to hear what is true and what is false and who speaks with veracity or falsity, is vital to our democracy. 

AL YOUNG, California Poet Laureate, describes his musical upbringing in the South and performs some of his vibrant work from Bodies and Soul, Mingus Mingus, and other works, with MIKE GREENSILL on piano.

ROBERT HASS — US Poet Laureate, author of Time and Materials, Praise, Human Wishes talks about the verve of language  

Hearing both of these poets speak creates a music that inspires.

SCOTT FOGELSONG performs a Brahms Intermezzo.

Sedge’s flâneur files.

Listen all week here at WCL.ORG