In connection with Earth Day SEDGE THOMSON presents thinkers, scientist's, growers and the story of those who find how we humans can live on the planet with care gleaned from knowledge and plesasure. It's all connected. And as the EPA gets thwarted and protections for our lands are removed, we hope temporarily, we must note these short-term and short-sighted policies are not what thinking and reflective people want if the earth is to continue serving us with its bounty.
Today, part three of our three-part series on nature, earth, and how it sustains us.
DAVID MAS MASUMOTO, farmer, author, Heirlooms: Letters from a Peach Farmer; Epitaph for a Peach
JESSICA PRENTICE, author of Full Moon Feast: Food and the Hunger for Connection
WES JACKSON farmer, philosopher and author of several landmark books on sustainable agriculturel. Recepient of the MacArthur grant, founder of The Land Institute in Salina, Kansas.
The article we refer to in the NY TImes Magazine by Moises Velasquez-Manoff is Can Dirt Save the Earth? With further notes, consult his blog.
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