Sedge Thomson's West Coast Live, San Francisco's Radio Show to the World!

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Today, SEDGE THOMSON, presents “Invictus.”


MAYA ANGELOU, poet and author, is joined by GUY JOHNSON, her son born when she was 17. 

She talks about how motherhood shaped her, how she raised her son in American society with her own knowledge and poetry, and the importance of red beans and rice. 


It’s vital we retain a sense of what integrity and love means in the raising of children and protection of ourselves in our current political climate and twittering egomania. 


DR. ANGELOU at 76, and her son, offer that.          


It's Sedge's flâneur files.  He finds eclipses, the art collection of Charles 1st, and a king’s malevolence, and a 16th century shade of teal oil paint connected. 

Insights abound. 


With the piano genius himself, MIKE GREENSILL, and Rubber Souldiers.