Sedge Thomson's West Coast Live, San Francisco's Radio Show to the World!

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First, this week on the air - we remember HUGH MASEKELA and URSULA LE GUIN, two giants of music and literature who graced our show.

Second, KEPLER'S DREAM, the indie family movie I produced with a fantastic crew is now AVAILABLE after a successful theatre run in December across the country.


A personal request: it means a great deal to all of us if you'd download and watch the movie, post a jolly good review, and tell your friends!

I'm proud of KEPLER's DREAM, and of the work on in it the US and the UK. The film has garnered some great reviews, people find it moving, entertaining, profound, and inspiring.

Also, many fine women of all ages helped make this, both on screen and off, from writers and director and cinematographer to the range of actors.

From the Village Voice: "A Feel Good Puzzler 

Winner of an Audience Favorite Award at the Mill Valley Film Festival!

Send us a copy of the review you posted and I'll send you a rare photograph of me getting made-up for my role -- Can you spot it? I'll autograph it for you, too!

A reminder: Independent of our broadcast time, you can listen all week to the program on any device or computer via the LISTEN button on the front page of our web site.

Best wishes, and many thanks for your support through the years! Sedge