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[Wednesday, November 9 -- a day in which we need to be calm, cope with our anxiety, and find ways to see the beauty around us.]

Monday, November 8, is election day.  All across this country, people are voting for various candidates, for multiple reasons.  

Some are writing-in names. A few, apparently, have voted twice "to prevent fraud," people are being blocked at the polls, people are voting early. It's chaos. Is it the most important election ever?  No, that's hyperbole. Yet it is important and divisive however it ends.

This year women and men both have been demeaned. Political machines have clashed with home-grown political movements and self-funded guerrilla ops.  

So our election special will bring us centering thoughts, calming ideas, meditative practice, through words and music and quiet. Compassion, forgiveness and other qualities that may seem at times unattainable.

SHARON SALZBERG -- Buddhist and guided meditation teacher, renowned for her Insight approach

DR. MARCEY SHAPIRO -- The roots of anxiety, and ways to ease away from that -- The Physician brings her awaresness of the body-mind physics to bear on this malady which has trouble humans through time -- How emotional well-being goes with physical well-being - author of Freedom from Anxiety.

MICKEY HART -- The Grateful Dead percussionist -- A Community is a strong as its music.  What's indigenous and what's foregin depends on which way you look; the beating of the universal heart.

DAVID GELLES - NY Times Reporter, who's writing and book on mediation and business, Mindful Work, may help blowhard billionaires and corner-store entrepreneurs as well as children and parents, and journalists.  

SARK -- The creative impusle is in all of us and it releases us to a place of joy and hope.

Everyone breathe!