Sedge Thomson's West Coast Live, San Francisco's Radio Show to the World!

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Today's live broadcast (June 25th) is the last of our 10AM broadcasts.

Since 1994, we've enjoyed that place of temporal geography. New construction is going up in that space.  Starting July 2nd, our San Francisco broadcast time will be Noon-2pm.  As we broadcast live to many places in the world at 10A PT, we must get our show now earlier to them than 10AM PT, so we are changing how we produce West Coast Live.  We might change the name.  Some weeks we will do a live show at noon from some interesting place and the other stations might carry it a week later.  Sometimes we will record a show during the week and it will air Saturday.  All a bit complicated, but we've worked out a way to morph.  We will maintain conversation, music and play.  With as much of a live audience as we can.

I started this show to bring unheard and well-known voices to live radio. Live.  No delay.  Immediate. Pure. From places far from airless studios - community theatres, cafes, moving ships, kitchens, museums.  It's a tightwire walk.  It's theatre and alive with the unknown. I feel alive in the moment of it.  That's my personal motivation.  The guests rise to embrace the risk.  It's part of our mise en place that allows for the unexpected delights.  

What's Next?  -  We'll all find out. It's all live.

Today SEDGE welcomes:

Positively Ellinwood Street: H ... from

MARY ROACH - She eschews polysyllabic titles: Bonk, Stiff, Spook.  Her new one - Grunt - reports on the curious science of humans at war.  Jolly topic, or she'll make it so....

CLAIRE PEASLEE - The naturalist says her focus will be divided between lepidoptera and cartilagenous fishes (one or these will receive more loving detail).

SOLSTICE - Women's vocal sextet marking their 20th anniverseray this weekend  of complex harmonies and the joy of song.

MIKE GREENSILL - the maestro will play exceptionally well today, and WESLA WHITFIELD will help him.

Other guests To Be Announced this week

If you'd like to be in the live audience for this bit of San Francisco Broadcast History, tarry not!