Due to a technical difficulty on our AT&T broadcast circuit, we had to air an "evergreen" show in place of this wonderful program, which we produced live at The Chapel. You can hear it now anyway for a week on the KALW.org website under the Music Player tab. This show will air on the WCL radio network in June.
We're sure it is only a coincidence that the phone circuit failed the day we featured a marvelous history of the phone phreakers by Phil Lapsley and and interview with Hedrick Smith who produced a documentary for PBS on how the phone company shares all your data with the government.
From The Chapel at 777 Valencia (b/t 18th & 19th) in the SF Mission, SEDGE welcomes:

the Pulitzer Prize and Emmy Award-winning journalist with Who Stole the American Dream, on trail of political and corporate decisions that have, over the past four decades, dismantled the American Dream.
whose latest novel Hold Fast tells the story of an 11-year-old girl who falls into Chicago’s shelter system and from there must solve the mystery of her father’s strange disappearance.
the engineer, hacker, author and entrepreneur brings us his fascinating new account Exploding the Phone: The Untold Story of the Teenagers and Outlaws who Hacked Ma Bell.
the Canadian fiddler, singer/songwriter and step dancer brings us a few of the high-energy songs from her new album Bright Like Gold.