Sedge Thomson's West Coast Live, San Francisco's Radio Show to the World!

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Today, SEDGE THOMSON, presents “Power in Chains”


Scotsman ANDRO LINKLATER finds the link between the measuring of America and the rise of democracy, when ownership of property, in John Adams words, generates power. How did all that surveying work give rise to our country.  George Washington was a surveyor when the work created our democracy.  AMerica was laid out in 22' chains, the size of cricket pitches.


GREG PALAST with his book “The Best Democracy Money Can Buy” created a franchise that keeps on giving for him. His books, films and talks on this subject keep us informed when others try to hide their actions. He looks at the facts, shows them and watches people scurry and hide.  He enjoys his work.


It's Sedge's flâneur files with Adventures in Ideas.  


Insights abound. 


Laughs, too. 



Mike Greensill is on hand.