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Today, SEDGE THOMSON, presents Joie de Vivre


She placed an ad in the NYRB seeking companionship — as much as she could get — and if you knew Trollope, all the better. JANE JUSKA’s book of her experiences became a best-seller, A Round Heeled Woman,  and as a play starring SHARON GLESS and STEPHEN MACHT, it found great acclaim with audiences in California, Broadway, and London. JANE JUSKA died this past week. 


SIMON RICH & FARLEY KATZ, a former SNL writer and a staff cartoonist for The New Yorker discuss their hilarious picture book for adults, The Married Kama Sutra: The World’s Least Erotic Sex Manual. 


It's Sedge's flâneur files.  


Insights abound. 


Laughs, too. 


Music from Katie Dailey, Rubber Soldiers, and a Russian Choir. 


Language advisory: we say “climate change” a few times. 


Mike Greensill is on hand.